Posted on 24.08.2018 in the General category
While most studies published favored olanzapine, the cochrane group found that there were sufficient flaws in enough of the studies that they advocated restraint and a more cautious approach.
Olanzapine indicated as integral part of comprehensive treatment program for pediatric patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorderwhich may include other measurese.gpsychologicaleducationalsocialas well.
Olanzapine may be used as part of a combination therapyThis means you may need to take it with other medicationssuch as lithiumvalproateor fluoxetine.
The starting dose and dose range need not be routinely altered for non-smokers relative to smokersThe metabolism of olanzapine may be induced by smokingClinical monitoring is recommended and an increase of olanzapine dose may be considered if necessarysee section 4.5
Treatment of bipolar disorder usually is initiated with oral doses of 10-15 mg once dailyThe dose may be increased by 5 mg daily at 24 hour intervalsThe maximum dose is 20 mg daily.
The following findings are based on premarketing trials of1oral olanzapine for schizophreniabipolar I disordermanic or mixed episodesa subsequent trial of patients having various psychiatric symptoms in association with Alzheimer’s diseaseand premarketing combination trialsand2intramuscular olanzapine for injection in agitated patients with schizophrenia or bipolar I mania.
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