Posted on 24.08.2018 in the General category
Administering digoxin to a patient with thyroid disease requires care.
It is reported that the MedicinesHealthcare Products Regulatory Agencythe government body that regulates medicines and medical devices in the UKis now looking at the evidence provided by this new analysis.
Digoxin may cause side effectsTell your doctor if any of these symptoms are severe or do not go away:
Though an effective drugdigoxin has long been known to have potentially serious adverse effects and always needs to be used with careHoweverin this analysisit is difficult to know how much of the higher risk of death is due solely to digoxinand how much is due to health differences between the people who were and were not taking the drugPeople who were prescribed digoxin may have had more severe health problems and these may have increased their mortality risk.
Take the missed dose as soon as you rememberSkip the missed dose if your next dose is less than 12 hours awayDo not take extra medicine to make up the missed dose.
Generic Namedigoxinoraldi JOX inBrand NamesLanoxinLanoxicapsCardoxinDigitek.
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similarly, the exact duration of and compliance with digoxin therapy were not confirmed.