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Combining Western classical instruments and performers with their own Southwestern-rasquache electronicsPostcommodity’s third full-length release is a 16-song concept album recounting the ever-cycling decay of a desert drought from the view of its flora and faunaTrumpetsbass drumsstringspiano and voices dirge through the only path to the endJackets printed and embossed with ashLimited to 200 copies.
All songs by Nathan YoungKade TwistCristobal Martinez and Raven Chacon With Marc Sabat on Violin Nico Dann on Percussion Cecilia Bercovich on Viola Achiya Asher Cohen Alloro on Piano Aaron Bannerman on Trumpet Dory Hayley and Ilana Dann on Voice Mastered By James Plotkin Cover Design By Sebastien Aubin Insert Printing By Jacob Meders Pcp#2 Sssk#64 Recorded By Alejandro GoldsteinJon Kaspy and Postcommodity at Banff Center For The Arts Winter 2015.
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