Posted on 11.09.2018 in the General category
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COUMADIN can cause major or fatal bleedingsee WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONSPerform regular monitoring of INR in all treated patientssee DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATIONDrugsdietary changesand other factors affect INR levels achieved with COUMADIN therapysee DRUG INTERACTIONSInstruct patients about prevention measures to minimize risk of bleeding and to report signs and symptoms of bleedingsee PATIENT INFORMATION
Tell your doctor right away if you become pregnant while you’re taking warfarinsince the drug can have serious effects on your baby.
Drugsdietary changesand other factors affect INR levels achieved with COUMADIN therapyPerform more frequent INR monitoring when starting or stopping other drugsincluding botanicalsor when changing dosages of other drugssee DRUG INTERACTIONS
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