Posted on 11.09.2018 in the General category
Famvir also has no known severe drug interactions, although may still moderately interact with some other medications.
Famciclovir is an antiviral drug which is active against the Herpes virusesincluding herpes simplex 1 and 2cold sores and genital herpesand varicella-zostershingles and chickenpoxIt belongs to a class of drugs called nucleoside analogs that mimic one of the building blocks of DNAIt stops the spread of herpes virus in the body by preventing the replication of viral DNA that is necessary for viruses to multiplyOther drugs in the same class include acyclovirZoviraxand valacyclovirValtrexFamciclovir is actually aprodrugthat isnot active directly against virusesInsteadfamciclovir is converted to penciclovir in the bodyand it is the penciclovir that is active against the virusesFamciclovir is active against the same viruses as acyclovir but has a longer duration of actionThereforeit can be taken fewer times each dayFamciclovir does not cure or stop the spread of herpes infectionsFamciclovir relieves painburningitchingand tinglingand also heals and prevents sores associated with herpes infectionsFamciclovir was approved for use by the FDA in June 1994.
Do not have certain immunizations/vaccinationssuch as vaccines against the varicella viruswithout the consent of your doctor.
Your age the condition being treated how severe your condition is other medical conditions you have how you react to the first dose.
Famciclovir belongs to a class of drugs called antiviralsA class of drugs is a group of medications that work in a similar wayThese drugs are often used to treat similar conditions.
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