Posted on 13.05.2018 in the General category
Patients taking coumadin must also have their blood clotting monitored, to reduce their risk of bleeding.
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be sure to mention any of the following other alpha blocker medications such as alfuzosin uroxatral , doxazosin cardura , prazosin minipress , and terazosin hytrin ; anticoagulants blood thinners such as warfarin coumadin ; cimetidine tagamet ; and medications for erectile dysfunction ed such as sildenafil viagra , tadalafil cialis , or vardenafil levitra ; your doctor may need to change the doses of your medications or monitor you more carefully for side effects.
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he said the generic compound was pure but you couldn t rely on the quanity in each pill and this is why coumadin is one of only three brand drugs in the formulary at his hospital.
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deep vein thrombosis is found among people who take diltiazem hydrochloride, especially for people who are female, 60 old , have been taking the drug for 5 – 10 years, also take medication coumadin, and have multiple myeloma.
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patients are often instructed to avoid a hard bristle toothbrush, watch alcohol intake, and a host of other lifestyle modifications to prevent issues with coumadin.
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