Posted on 12.05.2018 in the General category
If you suspect that you have overdosed with tenormin you should seek emergency help immediately.
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be sure to mention any of the following amantadine symmetrel ; beta blockers such as atenolol tenormin , labetalol normodyne , metoprolol lopressor, toprol xl , nadolol corgard , and propranolol inderal ; cimetidine tagamet ; clopidogrel plavix ; cyclophosphamide cytoxan, neosar ; efavirenz sustiva, in atripla ; insulin or oral medications for diabetes; medications for irregular heartbeat such as flecainide tambocor and propafenone rythmol ; medications for mental illness such as haloperidol haldol , risperidone risperdal , and thioridazine mellaril ; medications for seizures such as carbamazepine tegretol , phenobarbital luminal, solfoton , and phenytoin dilantin ; levodopa sinemet, larodopa ; lopinavir and ritonavir kaletra ; nelfinavir viracept ; nicotine patch; oral steroids such as dexamethasone decadron, dexone , methylprednisolone medrol , and prednisone deltasone ; orphenadrine norflex ; other antidepressants such as citalopram celexa , desipramine norpramin , fluoxetine prozac, sarafem, in symbyax , fluvoxamine luvox , imipramine tofranil , nortriptyline aventyl, pamelor , paroxetine paxil and sertraline zoloft ; ritonavir norvir ; sedatives; sleeping pills; tamoxifen nolvadex, soltamox ; theophylline theobid, theo-dur, others ; thiotepa; and ticlopidine ticlid .