Posted on 13.05.2018 in the General category
The debate about the timing of methotrexate discontinuation may eventually be resolved using laboratory tests to measure inflammatory markers in the blood.
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the authors concluded that hydroxyurea may represent an alternative to methotrexate in patients who experience intolerable side effects or who have reached the recommended cumulative dose of methotrexate.
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atropine; benzoic acid; hyoscyamine; methenamine; methylene blue; phenyl salicylate severe caution should be exercised when salicylates are given in combination with methotrexate.
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nsaids nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , though often prescribed together with methotrexate, can affect the level of methotrexate.
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methotrexate may increase the bioavailability of mercaptopurine by interference with first-pass metabolism.
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