Posted on 11.09.2018 in the General category
Estrace estradiol tablets usp is indicated in the .
Treatment is usually initiated with a dose of 1 to 2 mg daily of estradioladjusted as necessary to control presenting symptomsthe minimal effective dose for maintenance therapy should be determined by titration.
In patients with pre-existing hypertriglyceridemiaestrogen therapy may be associated with elevations of plasma triglycerides leading to pancreatitis and other complications.
Pains in the calves or chestsudden shortness of breathor coughing bloodpossible clot in the legsor lungs)
Estrogens act through binding to nuclear receptors in estrogen-responsive tissuesTo datetwo estrogen receptors have been identifiedThese vary in proportion from tissue to tissue.
Serious ill effects have not been reported following acute ingestion of large doses of estrogen-containing oral contraceptives by young childrenOverdosage of estrogen may cause nausea and vomitingand withdrawal bleeding may occur in females.
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