Posted on 24.08.2018 in the General category
I m on imuran just seems like imuran is some kind of like a crohn s flare.
Patients receiving immunosuppressantsincluding Imuranare at increased risk for bacterialviralfungal,protozoaland opportunistic infectionsincluding reactivation of latent infectionsThese infections may lead to seriousincluding fatal outcomes.
Evidence of the teratogenicity of Imuran in man is equivocalAs with all cytotoxic chemotherapyadequate contraceptive precautions should be advised when either partner is receiving Imuran.
29Jones RBFrank RMass TSafe handling of chemotherapeutic agentsa report from The Mount Sinai Medical CenterCA Cancer J for Clinicians198333:258-263.
Chronic immunosuppression with IMURANa purine antimetabolite increases risk of malignancy in humansReports of malignancy include post-transplant lymphoma and hepatosplenic T-cell lymphomaHSTCLin patients with inflammatory bowel diseasePhysicians using this drug should be very familiar with this risk as well as with the mutagenic potential to both men and women and with possible hematologic toxicitiesPhysicians should inform patients of the risk of malignancy with IMURANSee WARNINGS
Relief of chronic renal insufficiency by renal transplantation involving the administration of Imuran has been accompanied by increased fertility in both male and female transplant recipients.
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