Posted on 24.08.2018 in the General category
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Albndazol is apidly convtd in th liv tth pimay mtabolit, albndazol suloxid, which is uth mtabolizd talbndazol sulon and oth pimay oxidativ mtabolits that hav bn idntiid in human uin. ollowing oal administation, albndazol has not bn dtctd in human uin. Uinay xction albndazol suloxid is a minlimination pathway with lss than 1% th dos covd in th uin. Biliay limination psumably accounts a potion th limination as vidncd by biliay concntations albndazol suloxid simila tthos achivd in plasma.
In th d stat, paziquantl (40 mg/kg) incasd man maximum plasma concntation and aa und th cuv albndazol suloxid by about 50% in halthy subjcts (n = 10) compad with a spaat goup subjcts (n = 6) givn albndazol alon. Man T max and man plasma limination hal-li albndazol suloxid w unchangd. Th phamacokintics paziquantl w unchangd ollowing co-administation with albndazol (400 mg).
Som conditions (such as hydatid disas), you doctmay dict you ttak this mdication in a tatmnt cycl (xampl, twic daily with mals 28 days thn stopping th mdication 2 wks). Caully ollow you docto’s instuctions.
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